In the present world of online shopping, the world has turned into a global village and more and more people purchase products and services without personally viewing or experiencing the product. This has made online reviews all so very important. These reviews, along with the product descriptions, help a prospective buyer in making the right choice.
However, for quite some time now, the anonymity offered by the internet world has cast a shadow on the genuineness of the reviews posted along the products. How does one ensure that the reviews are by real-time customers and not the dealer himself or a competitor post malicious reviews? Be it a rave or a rant, these reviews can affect the way a buyer looks at the product or service.
So how does one spot a genuine review? Most online review websites publish the profile link and at time the activity log of the reviewer. Make sure that you make your background checks before forming any opinion. Any person with no or very less activity is usually not to be believed. Also, beware of people who review anything and everything, and post multiple reviews daily. These people are in most probability professional reviewers paid by the company for positive or at times even negative remark postings.
Thus, like real life, online reviews too can be both reliable and otherwise.